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Lack of Access? Our Engineers Can Still Help

During this national emergency, it is possible that access to inspection sites may be restricted.  However, our engineers can assist with a portion of the analysis prior to an inspection. Initial impressions can be understood from numerous resources: deposition transcripts, statements, manufacturer’s manuals, photographs, and videos. Based on these impressions, a working hypothesis can be developed to assist in managing the case. Our engineers can also offer advice on how to preserve the evidence until such time that a full inspection can be arranged. Further, and depending on the current status of the case, our engineers can help prepare suggested deposition and/or trial questions. We use conference calls and video networking to bring people together from remote locations in place of traditional face-to-face meetings.

We have new, electronic options for submitting your case for review.

  1. Submit a case online by clicking here.
  2. Create an account here to access previous cases and submit a new one.
  3. Download our mobile app “CED Anywhere” to submit cases wherever you are after you’re registered!

Questions? Contact us today!

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