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How Many Safety Features Should an Owner Include in Their Industrial Machine?

USA workers in large industries like the food industry are concerned about delivering a top-quality product for their company that is delicious and of good value for the customer’s dollar. To produce a quality product at a reasonable price, workers realize that they should perform their tasks efficiently. To please their families, workers want to perform well while at work, but always want to come home safely. Did you know that each year our USA workers who operate and maintain machinery suffer approximately 18,000 amputations, lacerations, crushing injuries, abrasions, and over 800 deaths per year?

Amputation is one of the most severe and crippling types of injury that occurs in the workplace and leaves its mark on an individual for their entire life. CED Technologies work with our clients to investigate industrial accidents. CED engineers analyze the data in these investigations to eventually offer expert testimony regarding the scientific conclusions that were reached during the case. However, did you know that CED is also available to analyze a client’s industrial machines and offer feedback that may prevent a future injury?

Design features are available and often a requirement from OSHA, however, many more design features are available than what can be found to be installed at a workplace. Consider the following list of activities and components that can be utilized to enhance safety at the workplace:

  1. Work with your vendors before delivery of your industrial machinery to ensure their design has the balance of safety design features available without compromising the efficiency of the worker
  2. Machine Guarding
  3. Machine Power Interlocks
  4. Emergency Shutdown Switches
  5. Physical Barriers with Trip Points
  6. Extended Feed Lines for Maintenance
  7. Posted Safety Guidelines Short and To the Point
  8. LockOut Tag Out Program
  9. Monitored Video Cameras
  10. Video of Testing and Performance
  11. Audio Warnings
  12. Warning Lights
  13. Laser Detections   
  14. Training Program Required and Records on Each Employee with 3-Month Check-Ups
  15. Personal Protective Equipment
  16. Daily Communication with Employees, Brief Talk at Start of Each Shift
  17. Electrical Grounding Protection

CED's engineers have been involved in a wide variety of accidents involving industrial machinery for over 35 years. Our engineers have tested, evaluated, and consulted on machinery cases which include printing presses, punch presses, robotics, assembly plants, food processing equipment, loading equipment, automatic machinery, and operator misuse. CED’s team of experts have designed utilities and safety design features to serve industrial equipment to prevent workers from being injured or exposed to hazardous chemicals or radiation. Should you have an industrial equipment accident, our team of experts are available to provide assistance and support.