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Products are Only as Effective as Their Installation

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Products are Only as Effective as Their Installation

On the Scene E-Newsletter, Edition 152, January 11, 2012

fireplaceAfter the extended power outages in Connecticut associated with Winter Storm Albert, CED was employed to investigate the cause of soot emanating from a home's heating system. In this case, CED was able to quickly identify a very serious condition that could have potentially resulted in loss of life. Upon arrival, CED was led to a recently installed ventless gas fireplace/heater. A relative of the homeowner complained that the normally white dog was turning black and light fixtures were getting dingy. CED discovered that the gas fireplace/heater was a dual gas device capable of burning liquid propane or natural gas.

According to product documentation on scene, the gas fireplace/heater delivered should have been setup for liquid propane. Upon verifying that the home was a liquid propane serviced home and that the connection to the back of the fireplace/heater was in the proper port, CED lit the pilot only to find a four inch long pilot flame coming from the right natural gas nozzle vs. the left liquid propane nozzle. A selector switch internal to the device had been turned from liquid propane to natural gas.

Many gas appliances and devices are capable of running natural gas or liquid propane with the removal, replacement, and/or selection of hardware specific for the type of gas (usually a nozzle or nozzles). Improper setup or selection at a minimum could result in soot, but at a maximum could result in carbon monoxide poisoning or death. CED has the experience and knowledge to inspect:

• gas and electric services going to a device
• the proper setup of a gas fueled device
• the gas fueled device itself

Our engineers have extensive expertise in these cases and serve as First Responders where clients can utilize CED engineering expertise 24/7. Immediately after an accident happens, the risk department or legal counsel for the company will contact CED's easy access line to report an accident and immediately receive a response as to when CED can arrive at the scene. While the CED engineer is in route, the CED research team will gather equipment information that may be needed by the engineer. Please call us today at 800.780.4221 for additional information.