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Construction Site Incidents and Construction Defects

Accidents on active construction sites can be influenced by a variety of hazards and other factors including site design, construction defects, and human factors, among others. An experienced forensic engineer will take the time to consider all available factors when completing their investigation.

Construction site accidents and construction defect claims are not always straightforward. What may start off as an investigation of a source of water intrusion may lead to a closer look at the building envelope, i.e., exterior walls and their water-resistive features. If there are problems with these details, in addition to identifying the exact cause of failure, other factors may be reviewed, like who designed, manufactured, installed or maintained it, or if part or all of the project subcontracted out.

Often, damage that is central to understanding and incident or defect claim has long been repaired, which requires investigators to heavily rely on incident reports, testimony, construction documents and project files. Sometimes the answer to culpability lies not with a failure analysis but with obtaining and reviewing maintenance records.

The engineers at CED are experienced with construction defects, safety, and structural analysis. Beyond understanding the precise mechanisms of failure, crucial to any forensic investigation, our engineers understand the various components of the construction process such as quality assurance, procurement, safety, and labor relations. Engineers on our team have extensive experience in project management, construction documents, and contract administration. Contact us today for your construction site accident.

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