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Engineer Highlight: Russell Simmons

Russell Simmons P.E., CFEI – Electrical Engineer

Have PPE, Will Travel

As a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator, Russell Simmons had the jump on most of us with regards to working in potentially hazardous environments. Russell is pictured here in a hazmat suit, arc mapping in the engine compartment of a boat after a fire. Arc mapping is a technique used in fire investigation that relies on finding the locations of electrical arcs and other electrical faults that may have occurred.

Russell Simmons_ Electrical Engineer

Thirty-plus years at Jacksonville Electric Authority as an electrical engineer prepared Russell well for the work he does at CED.  An expert in all manners of fires and explosions, Russell travels across the country investigating marina fires, boat fires, gas explosions, vehicle fires, electrocutions, and shock events of every variety.

Click here to read Russell Simmons' full profile and certifications.

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