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Playground Equipment – Is it Safe?

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Playground Equipment – Is it Safe?

On the Scene E-Newsletter, Edition 122, September 7, 2010

2010_09_5_photo2Summer is just about over.  Our vacations have come to an end, and our kids are back to school.  For elementary school-aged kids, recess is part of their daily routine, typically spent on swings, slides and climbing equipment.  For many children, recess may also end with a visit to the emergency room.

According to SafeKids USA, the number one cause of injuries to kids ages 5 to 14 is playground accidents. About 150,000 children in this age group end up in US emergency rooms each year because of accidental injuries involving playground equipment. Injuries due to falls from playground equipment result in a higher proportion of severe injuries to children than either bicycle or motor vehicle crashes.  While some of these injury accidents involve playground equipment in private backyards, 3 out of 4 playground accidents occur on school grounds and in public areas.

While the majority of playground accidents are not fatal—about 10 playground accident fatalities do occur a year. Also, fall accidents from playground equipment have been known to cause spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and death.

The most common causes of playground accidents include poorly designed playground equipment, poorly constructed playgrounds, inadequate supervision and poor maintenance of playground or equipment.

If you have a case involving a playground accident, contact CED Investigative Technologies to speak with one of our experts or visit our website at