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Engineer Highlight: Dr. Clyde Richard

Clyde C. Richard, Ph.D., P.E. – Mechanical Engineer

Founder of CED Technologies – Top Human Factors Expert

  • Has over 40 years of experience in forensic engineering and expert testimony
  • Splits his time between Maryland and South Florida
  • Experienced forensic engineer in numerous areas, but the focus of this engineer highlight is his Human Factors expertise.
    • Very knowledgeable and experienced in Human Factors Analysis- He is our most seasoned Human Factors Expert

Highlighted Human Factors Cases

  • Estate of Owen Hart v. WWE, et al.
    • World famous wrestler performs stunt in K.C. Arena where a harness is used to lower him from the rafters.  There was a design flaw in the harness that resulted in the wrestler accidentally engaging quick-release and falling 78 feet and sustaining injuries that resulted in his death.  Dr. Richard was brought into this case to test the shackle used for the quick-release and his testing showed the shackle functioned as designed. 
  • Johnson, et al. v. Capital Products, et al.
    • Case involved a 4-year old child that pushed the screen out of the bottom section of an open window and fell five stories below.  The screen manufacturer claimed that the screen must have been damaged because a 4-year old should not have been able to push it out.  For this case, Dr. Richard built an exemplar window set and tested 4-year old children to show their ability to push out a screen.

In both cases mentioned above, Dr. Richard was brought in to investigate the incidents and offer his unbiased, professional opinion on the factors contributing to the accidents.

Click here to read his
full profile and certifications.

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